I vaguely understand that, according to the theory of relativity, because the speed of light is constant, it stays the same regardless of how bent the space is, so time has to pass slower when there is a bend in space – but I cannot apply that understanding to time actually slowing down. All the examples on youtube seem to be understanding something I’m not. I cannot wrap my head around time dilation.
I do really well with real world examples/visualisations.
In: 4
Imagine you’re in a box accelerating through space. Shine a light and observe the path of the light curve because you are accelerating and the light is unaffected by that acceleration, meaning that you observe the moving on a curved path, and an outside observer observes the light moving on a straight path. The two path lengths (they have the same start and end point, but the path changed) are different, and therefore they need to take different amounts of time so that both observers measure the same speed of light. Therefore, the accelerating person experience time slower.
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