why does vaginal discharge bleach black underwear but stains white underwear?


why does vaginal discharge bleach black underwear but stains white underwear?

In: 11542

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Both are bleaching from the acidity of vaginal discharge.

White fiber also turns yellowish when you bleach it repeatedly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Follow up question would be asking what is the best colour of underwear to wear?

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

The word bleach is used a few ways. Bleach can refer specifically to a certain kind of chemical solution that is known for removing color or bleach can refer to that color removal. Because words like that can be used different ways, sometimes words can be confusing.

Vaginal discharge is chemically very different from bleach. In terms of acidity, you could say they’re opposites and that leads to different kinds of reactions. Instead of dramatically bleaching color away from cloth like real bleach, vaginal discharge is doing something more like chemically speeding up the aging of the color. Black ages by fading, and white ages by yellowing, and vaginal discharge just speeds up both.

(figuring out how to say that without going down the acid/base rabbithole was an interesting challenge)

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

everything bleaches to a yellowish tone- like when you bleach your hair, it’s yellow/brassy blonde. both colors are bleaching

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s acidic, it has a pigment of its own but also eats away at color pigments in your colored clothing.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Yellowish is the natural color of the fibers used in the fabric. White underwear is specifically dyed white. Both are being bleached back to the yellow.

Fun fact, male discharge can do this too. It just doesn’t happen as often.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wish they taught this kinda stuff in sex ed. I legitimately thought someone in my house might be deliberately bleaching my black underwear for a good part of my teenage years. Wasnt until I moved out and it was still happening that I figured it out… before anyone says it, not everyone had phones with Google at our fingertips in our teen years 🙃