Why does washing knives in the dishwasher dull them?


Why does washing knives in the dishwasher dull them?

In: 890

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The edges get bashed against things by the water jets. Plus some knives that aren’t stainless steel will rust. I have some cheap stainless steak knives that I’ve washed in the dishwasher a whole bunch of times, but they get put into the silverware basket so that they don’t hit anything.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the dishwasher, high pressure sprays of water knock everhing asunder. Have you ever found a Tupperware lid on the opposite side of the dishwasher from where you placed it? This is why. During all this commotion, the blade can be struck by hard objects such as adjacent silverware, or even the wire wrach. These strikes will dull the blade.