Why does water cause friction on skin as opposed to being a lubricant? For instance, licking your finger to turn a page or open a bag, or… certain activities that may involve showers.


Why does water cause friction on skin as opposed to being a lubricant? For instance, licking your finger to turn a page or open a bag, or… certain activities that may involve showers.

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If you look at it from an evolutionary point of view, which is the better survival trait, being able to grip wet things or not being able to grip wet things?

One theory for human evolution is that we were water apes, living in river deltas and along shorelines, foraging in tidal pools, using tools to fish and crack open mussels. Living in those conditions, having grippy when wet skin could be a huge advantage.

The way hands get wrinkles after you’ve been in the water for a while might be the same sort of evolution.