Why does water taste different if it’s been sitting out for a day?


Why does water taste different if it’s been sitting out for a day?

In: 2

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So, when you leave water sitting out, it’s like leaving a cookie exposed on the counter. Over time, that cookie might get a bit stale or absorb some of the room’s smells. Similarly, water left out can absorb tiny bits from the air, like dust or other particles. Also, if your tap water has chlorine (used to keep it clean), some of that can evaporate, changing the taste. So, just like that cookie changes a bit over time, your water’s taste can shift after hanging out for a while.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Okay, imagine you have a glass of water. Water is like a friend that loves to play and run around. But after a whole day of playing and running, it can get a little tired.

So, if you leave the water out for a day, it’s like your friend taking a nap. While it’s napping, some tiny things called “bits” start to visit the water. These bits are so small you can’t see them, but they like to visit when water takes a nap.

When you wake up the water after its day-long nap, it might have a new taste. The bits left a little taste in the water, kind of like how you leave your toys around and your room gets a different smell.

That’s why water can taste a bit different when it’s been sitting out for a while. It’s like your water friend had some visitors during its nap!

Anonymous 0 Comments

When water comes in contact with air, it reacts with Carbon Dioxide in air to form Carbonic Acid (weak). That distinctive taste is the Carbonic Acid taste.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I wonder why no one is mentioning bacteria?

Like…. Tap water is full of bacteria that will grow when it’s left in a warm environment.