Why does water temperature matter when washing clothes?


Visiting my parents, my mom seems disappointed to find me washing my clothes in cold water, she says it’s just not right but couldn’t quite explain why.

I’ve washed all of my laundry using the “cold” setting on washing machines for as long as I can remember. I’ve never had color bleeding or anything similar as seems to affect so many people.

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15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m going to attack this from a chemist’s point of view. There’s a rule of thumb by Van ‘t Hoff that dates back to the… late 19th century that says, *roughly*, the rate of a chemical reaction increases by a factor of 2 for every 10C (=10K) of temperature you perform the reaction at.

Assuming the reaction here is “whatever the detergent does to make your clothes clean”, you can hope that raising the temperature from 40C (“rather gentle, use for colour”) to 60C (“definitely fine for white”) is going to work 4x as well.

More at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_%27t_Hoff_equation

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