Why does windows break with those small emergency hammers used if window is a emergency exit.


Why does the escape route window break in a bus or something when they are hit with those tiny orange hammers (emergency hammer?) with metal tips. I mean you can’t even get much force to the hit because the handle is so small you can’t use do a good swing.

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

its more about concentration of force onto a very small area. the glass is tough but brittle, and it;s designed to shatter in a manner than doesnt leave dangerous shards. you use the hammer to shatter it, then pull it out of the way and escape

a larger hammer might work just as well, its just they want a smaller one thats easier to use inside the (wrecked) vehicle, and something they can install and secure right next to the window so a panicking (and potentially injured) passenger, working in a restricted space and poor angles, can pull it out and pummel the panel of glass to escape.

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