– why doesn’t the water in our pipes get bacteria/viruses in it?


It seems like you would get pretty nasty germs happily living in our plumbing (especially untreated well water).

I think about the water that can sit for prolonged periods in hot water tanks, stagnant water in dead end sections of the plumbing system (unused outside faucet etc), and the wet oxygen rich environment inside the faucet ends.

Yet you almost never hear about people getting sick from their water🤷🏽‍♂️

In: 1670

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have mildew in my pipes. Currently working on a solution. Just had the main pipe from the street into the house replaced as there may have been a leak or crack in it. Cost me $7,000. But for a while, I would have to run all of this sinks and tubs in the house to empty out the water and it seemed to help for a while… Everything repeat that every few weeks.

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