When the lowest amount of currency you could possibly buy anything with is so high, why don’t countries
“condense” the value of their currency? For example, [12 eggs in Indonesia costs 25,544.06 Rp (their local currency)](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_price_rankings?itemId=11) why don’t they condense their currency so it only costs 4-5 units of currency? Wouldn’t it make the math easier for people?
In: Economics
Why bother? Then you would need to convert from the old system to the new system. Change all the prices, update all the banking software, take all the old currency out of circulation. A few extra zeroes never hurt anyone, it’s just not worth the effort.
Plus, if hyperinflation continues to be bad, then in a few years the same issue will just be back. 25,000 rupees isn’t an unmanageable amount when a 2,000 rupee denomination exists.
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