When the lowest amount of currency you could possibly buy anything with is so high, why don’t countries
“condense” the value of their currency? For example, [12 eggs in Indonesia costs 25,544.06 Rp (their local currency)](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_price_rankings?itemId=11) why don’t they condense their currency so it only costs 4-5 units of currency? Wouldn’t it make the math easier for people?
In: Economics
what would be the benefit? How would you justify the cost? especially for a country with a population as large as indonesia and where a whole lot of people live on cash only. You have to reprint everything, get everyone to exchange it, have mechanisms for exchanging the old bills. and for what? your 12 eggs aren’t gonna be any cheaper in terms of labor-needed-to-buy-12-eggs
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