When the lowest amount of currency you could possibly buy anything with is so high, why don’t countries
“condense” the value of their currency? For example, [12 eggs in Indonesia costs 25,544.06 Rp (their local currency)](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_price_rankings?itemId=11) why don’t they condense their currency so it only costs 4-5 units of currency? Wouldn’t it make the math easier for people?
In: Economics
It’s called [redenomination](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redenomination). Sometimes countries do it, but it costs a lot of money. You can’t just condense the units, you have to come up with new ones (eg instead of dollars you now have “new dollars” each worth 1000 “old dollars”) and you need to print a whole lotta new bills etc.
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