When the lowest amount of currency you could possibly buy anything with is so high, why don’t countries
“condense” the value of their currency? For example, [12 eggs in Indonesia costs 25,544.06 Rp (their local currency)](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_price_rankings?itemId=11) why don’t they condense their currency so it only costs 4-5 units of currency? Wouldn’t it make the math easier for people?
In: Economics
Let’s say your country has printed a zillion notes that say 10,000Units on them. To make this change, they’d have to make a whole bunch of new notes that say 4Units on them and then tell everybody to switch all their notes for one that’s 1/2500^th as much.
Printing cost is huge, security cost for the switch is huge, benefit is ??? . Countries just don’t do it because it costs too much.
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