Why don’t diesel prices rise and fall in sync with unleaded?

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I’ve noticed this for as long as I’ve cared about gas prices but am only now getting around to asking, so I’m not specifically talking about any one period of time. Why are diesel prices seemingly so divorced from unleaded prices? I understand the concept of a price difference, but sometimes that price difference is $1 or $1.50, sometimes it’s 50 cents, and I’ve even seen the rare example where it’s cheaper than unleaded. Are the same forces acting on unleaded prices not acting on diesel? Why are they so independent of each other?

EDIT: I should specify that my experience is in the USA. It seems prices track much more closely in the EU/UK.

In: Economics

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Diesel, heating oil, jet fuels and kerosene are Middle Distilates and are refined diferently than gasolines. The pricing starts with how these products are traded on the worlds trading floors like the Nymex along with their local, international and and seasonal demands along with refining and shipping capacity.

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