– Why don’t we leave yard trimmings as they are, but rather have weekly trash collection?

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Imagine a residential house with some grass, bushes/hedges, plants, etc.

About 2-4 times a month, the yard needs to be mowed, pruned, trimmed, etc. and all these yard trimming waste are put in a green bin to be collected by the trash company weekly.

Why can’t you just scatter the yard trimming throughout your landscape and letting it decompose? Cause eventually it’ll become nutrients for your plants, so I consider it a win-win (nutrients for your plants, and no need for trash truck to go around weekly).

The only scenario I can think of are:
1. The yard trimmings might decompose slower than the plants/grass growing rate. So eventually there’ll be an overabundance of yard trimmings.
2. Wind – some areas may be windy where it’ll blow the yard trimmings to neighboring properties.

Would it be bad/harmful practice to start leaving yard trimmings throughout your yard?

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve used a mulching mower for years. I would grind up the fall leaves too. Currently I weed whip my yard and leave the waste to compost on its own. I never understood why so many people throw away the grass then buy fertilizer to feed the grass. It’s such a waste of money and time.

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