Why don’t we see new stars all the time


So my understanding is that stars are born and die all the time with supernovae, black holes, etc. And we can see this in deep space all the time but why can’t we see that with the naked eye? Why are our constilations the same as when I was a child? If stars are born and die all the time in our universe Why don’t we have a new night sky every few decades? I know a stars life is long so not all stars will change in my life time but there’s no new ones born or no old ones that die close enough for us to see when we look up

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The universe is *big* like, really, really, really big. What we see is almost nothing compared to what’s even in our galaxy. Stars may be born and die all the time, but that’s on a *cosmic* scale. Basically we’re staring at a single blade of grass in a gigantic rainforest. Sure, things are living and dying all the time in the whole forest, but this blade of grass we’re staring at isn’t even close to enough to see all of that.

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