Why don’t wholesales sell directly to the costumers?


Please explain me this because I can not figure out!

As I see producers sell their stuff to wholesales. Wholesales gather a bunch of different things and then sell it to retailers who communicate with the costumers and sell it to them.

For example a wholesale of stationery gathers pencils, papers, toners etc. Then they sell these in smaller amounts to retailers who after that deliver directly to the offices (to the costumers).

Why don’t wholesale just sell and deliver right away to the costumers and gain the extra money the retailers basically live on?

In: Economics

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it’s a totally different ball game. B stands for supplier,C stands for customer/consumer. a B to B business operates differently than a B to C. Delivering directly to consumers changes operations drastically in terms of cost, speed, facilities, manpwer, etc.
Also don’t forget the customer experience aspect of it. B to B doesnt deal with consumers, so they dont look at customer experience, they just see numbers.

Think of it like this…. would you rather manufacture 10,000 candles and sell them all in 5 days? Or keep them in your warehouse and depend on customers to want it and order it?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it’s a business strategy, more or less

Their strategy is to make less profit on much more sales

They do that by selling to businesses who can buy a lot more of their products

If they were to sell to the end customer, businesses wouldn’t feel so great (for lack of a better word) that they must buy from the manufacturer only to sell while competing with the manufacturer. So they don’t.

Not only this, but the manufacturers don’t have the infrastructure to sell such small quantities. A toilet paper manufacturer wouldn’t open a toilet paper-only store because that would be bound to fail (in most cases), as most people wouldn’t go to one store which only sells one commodity item to buy only that one item, which they can buy elsewhere where they’re used to

I’m a bit drunk so forgive me if I don’t make sense