Shanghai in China has a fertility rate 0f 0.50
Some parts of South Korea like wards of Seoul and Busan are already in or below 0.30 children per woman
In 2023 Taiwan’s fertility rate was 0.865 and still going downside
The Hong kong one was 0.75 kids per woman
Singapore is 0.97 (and declining very fast)
Japan is the highest at 1.20 (with Tokyo being 0.99) and they’re declining also really fast
In: Other
Singaporean POV. Life is stressful and expensive here. Property prices are insane.
Our Education system is also very competitive.
Kids as young as 3 years old are sent for language enrichment lessons and music lessons. Child suicide rates are a closely guarded Govt secret.
After the kid struggles through the super competitive education system, good jobs are hard to come by because Singapore employers prefer cheap labour from neighbouring countries Malaysia and India.
All in all- you are bringing a kid into the world just to see the kid suffer. Why would u want to do that???
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