In Australia, I have only ever bought or seen eggs a variety of fleshy/beige colours, however in American (US) media that I see, they are almost always bright white. L
Shell colour depends on the breed of hen they come from. US customers prefer white eggs. UK customers prefer brown eggs.
Anonymous 0
Different chicken breeds lay different colored eggs. Brown eggs are usually laid by red hens, and white eggs are usually laid by white hens.
Anonymous 0
As some has mentioned, this is a false premise. The US tends to have a mix of white and brown, and. uh, “higher end” grocery stores can have multicoloured eggs. For example, I have a carton of eggs in my fridge right now with white, brown, blue, and green eggs!
Anonymous 0
The food the chickens eat also affect the color. Those with more organic food will produce light blue and green eggs. Source: grew up on a farm.
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