In order for electromagnet to function on such high temperature environment you need very high energy. That means that you net energy outcome from the system goes down since you need energy to overcome not only engine’s inertia but also to power the electromagnet now. Also what kind of function do you want the electromagnet to have?
There is no reason to have a piston if you’re not using internal combustion….the whole point of the piston / shaft is to turn the expanding products of combustion into rotational energy. The air gas mixture burns, expands, drives the piston up, and rotated the shaft.
In fact, having a piston going back and forth is very inefficient because you lose all of the momentum of the piston with every stroke.
I’m sure someone could correct me if I’m wrong but it’s an “Occam’s Razor” as pistons would lose energy themselves by virtue of more moving parts opposed to just cycling the driveshaft itself. It’s like adding a loop to a straight road, may look cool but the fastest soloution most optimal would be a straight line.
If you can use electromagnets to fire the piston, you can just put that energy to the driveshaft and skip the magnets alltogether. Can it exist, sure. Is it efficient on a mass scale, not at all.
Gas has way more energy per weight than batteries. Since we need combustion to extract energy from gas, pistons are the easiest design to utilize that. Introducing electromagnets would just add unnecessary power loss.
That said, we do have electric cars nowadays! Not nearly as much range as a gas vehicle of equivalent weight, but they certainly have their pros
Are you saying to use the magnet to drive the piston? Not like an electro magnet as a ignition coil or solonid or valve control? Many engines have electro magnets in them, but for things like fuel pumps etc. I think some also may use them for variable valve timing.
If you want the magnet to drive the actual piston, it’s just way less efficient than just having the electromagnet in a true electric motor. The while point of the piston is to compress gas/air so you can blow it up. A electric motor is much more efficient in turning a shaft directly instead of driving a piston.
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