Why Europe is considered its own continent when it doesn’t really fit the definition of one?


Why Europe is considered its own continent when it doesn’t really fit the definition of one?

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8 Answers

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Lots of map making stuff was done in Europe when we didn’t understand how all this worked yet. People saw a rough divide somewhere between Asia and Europe and assumed it’s a different part. It didn’t help that culture and skin color also changed roughly along those lines. So, back then it was called a continent and just never reclassified. Changing something so engrained is hard, especially when there are politics, cultural identity, race identity (fuck those) etc involved too.

Now, while lines on a map are largely arbitrary, you also need to differentiate between the concept of continent for classification in a political/cultural sense (where separating Europe into it’s own “area” can make sense) and the sciency sense where it doesn’t (on the scale of continents and continental plates at least).

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