Why hairfall has no absolute cure like other skin diseases ? (even when medical field has developed so much)


Why hairfall has no absolute cure like other skin diseases ? (even when medical field has developed so much)

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3 Answers

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Hair loss at least a leading cause of it is Dihydrotestostone (DHT) so the agressive masculising form of testosterone… strangling the hair follicle.

This is why it is so hard…it is just quite inherrent to our genetics and how hormones work.

But progress is being made. For instance we now know most hair follicles don’t actually die. They just go into this super dormant state.. we also know there’s a messenger protein that can trigger hair growth.. we just discovered it this year i think. So stuff is potentially on the horizon… but as you know human trials take time and stuff related to genes and such are treated extra carefully too. So stem cell and crispr solutions also take a while.

Because so far the best we had was hair transplants, which takes healthier more resistant to dht hairs and implants them.. sadly we cannot use other peoples hair or grow our own follicles due to immune rejection issues.

We also have rather complex and expensive stem cell stuff which can help but doesn’t always

We also have finisteride which just plain and simply blocks DHT.. it can prevent damage being done to an extend… we also have minoxidil which seems to push hair into growth by blood flow increase and apparently some quite convinient epigenetic stuff..

We slowly are piecing this together basically.

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