Why hairfall has no absolute cure like other skin diseases ? (even when medical field has developed so much)


Why hairfall has no absolute cure like other skin diseases ? (even when medical field has developed so much)

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Do you mean hair loss? There are a lot of skin diseases with out a cure, especially autoimmune or things related to them.

Sure there are treatments for things like psoriasis, and lupus, but it isn’t a cure. It’s a bandaid to make it less awful and can help clear it, but not 100% and if you stop the meds it goes back to how it was most of the time.

Hair loss can’t be cured but implants are a big thing now and many men get them. (Zach from the try guys did a treatment and it seemed to work well) Other things like guys getting testosterone supplement to boost as it lowers, thyroid treatment for those who lose hair due to that..etc are available.

If anything there is more research and treatment done for hair loss than many devastating/painful skin and other types of diseases. Which is sort of sad as sure self esteem is important, but many (especially women’s only diseases like endometriosis and such) aren’t as studied and have little option besides surgery and pain management to help.

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