Exponential growth. The more technology you have, the easier it is to use that to invent *more* new technology.
Eg 200 years if an inventor had an idea, they had to draw possible designs on paper and construct possible parts and prototypes by hand out of wood or metal. Then one of the things someone invented was computers, then CAD software, then 3D printers. Now any averagely-smart person can have idea for an invention, draw and optimize the design on the computer, and then have the physical part 3D printed and in your hand that day without even needing any building skills.
So the more tech there is, the easier it is to make more. It’s a self-accelerating feedback loop.
Also there’s more feedback loops related to this. The more technology gets applied to the essentials like farming, the more time is saved and the less time and people are needed in farming, freeing them to do to other things…like invent new technology.
Eg 500 years ago most average people didn’t have much free time. Many people couldnt even read. Gathering enough food, making and mending clothes, securing shelter and heat, all the “chores of staying alive” took up a lot more time than they do now. Then the more labour-saving devices get invented, the more free time people have to read, learn non-essential skills, invent more labour-saving devices… once again it’s self-accelerating feedback.
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