Why has the human population increased so much in the last few centuries, although we actually invented effective birth control methods?


Why has the human population increased so much in the last few centuries, although we actually invented effective birth control methods?

In: 211

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most people are actually worried about the opposite problem. Developed countries are starting to have such low birth rates that it’s going to decrease the proportion of the population that is working age, especially relative to the elderly, and put a much bigger strain on the productive population to finance and provide for them.

There really aren’t many or any places anymore that you can point to and expect that overpopulation is going to be a calamitous problem.

I really find it hard to take you at your word that there’s a major problem of areas who succeed at developing, and lowering food and medicine related mortality, but not “changing their behaviour” to the point that population growth is a bigger issue than population decline/ demographic inversion.

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