– Why has there been such a drop in the amount of hurricanes and tropical storms this year?


Last year, they were already on the letter I (nine storms) by August. This year, we’re only on F (six storms). Is there a specific atmospherical reason for this, or is it just a strange coincidence?

Edit – I’m mostly talking about the US and that area, but if you’ve noticed the same thing in your geographical area, feel free to share.

In: 176

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because the instability from climate change doesn’t only result in an increase of weather events, like it did last year and the year before, it causes a wider variation in the number of weather events. This can lead to fewer than normal storms as well as greater than normal storms. There isn’t any specific reason (or rather, there are any number of specific explanations) for “why” there is either an increase or a drop; weather is chaotic and not easily predictable. But both more and fewer than normal numbers of storms becomes more likely because of anthropogenic global warming.

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