– Why has there been such a drop in the amount of hurricanes and tropical storms this year?


Last year, they were already on the letter I (nine storms) by August. This year, we’re only on F (six storms). Is there a specific atmospherical reason for this, or is it just a strange coincidence?

Edit – I’m mostly talking about the US and that area, but if you’ve noticed the same thing in your geographical area, feel free to share.

In: 176

17 Answers

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We don’t know

It was expected to be an above average year because of La Nina in the Pacific bringing warmer weather that feeds the storms

La Nina has stuck around as expected but we’re quite a bit below average for storms with the total energy being about half of average and the count being 5 vs 8 storms when we hit peak on 9/10 before Fiona, I don’t have numbers on how the energy has changed with her in the mix

There has been strong upper level winds in the tropics which hurts storm formation but its a significant drop off from prior years.

This is another case of climate being more predictable than weather. Our forecasting has gotten way better over the last few decades but sometimes a new variable comes into play that just didn’t matter in prior years so this year will likely result in better models for the future

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