Why haven’t we found a cure for cavities?


It’s a horrible malady. We know the cause, of most, acids created by bacteria in your mouth. It doesn’t even seem to be that important to researchers. We have much worse diseases but it’s something millions of people have to endure.

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Two reasons really, we have a cheap and available *treatment* for dental carries (filling) and the mouth is naturally a home to all sorts of organisms. How do you kill the one bad species without the rest, hell how do you even kill off the bad ones? How do you stop them from re-colonizing your mouth? It isn’t feasible to just take a lifetime supply of antibiotics right?

There are attempts to do more, mouthwashes which seed the mouth with beneficial bacteria which out-compete the bad species, but that’s also a hard problem to solve.

And frankly we do have much worse diseases, as you say, and ones that are much harder to prevent with a bit of brushing and flossing.

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