Why/how is light the fastest thing in the universe and nothing else can be faster?


Why have we ruled out the possibility of finding something faster when we’ve only scratched the surface of space exploration and understanding?

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120 Answers

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The speed of photons is the maximum rate of transfer of information. Photons can take longer to travel over one of two apparently equal distances but only because they are bouncing off a great many things along the way (high refractive index).
Information can travel over a distance apparently faster than the speed of light by quantum entanglement but photons still travel at the same maximum rate of transfer of information, it’s just that the apparent distance between the two entangled particles isn’t being travelled through (e.g.like a wormhole). That is the proven concept that the universe is not local.
The universe isn’t real either, but that’s a different matter: Objects and outcomes are influenced by observation.

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