Why/how is light the fastest thing in the universe and nothing else can be faster?


Why have we ruled out the possibility of finding something faster when we’ve only scratched the surface of space exploration and understanding?

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120 Answers

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It’s not just about “light”. Light is just a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum that we can see. This includes radio waves all the way up to X-rays and gamma rays.

The speed of light( “C” for short) is actually the speed of *Causality*. The speed of cause and effect.

If something does not have mass (and is not currently interacting with something) it moves *at* C. That’s not just the maximum speed that it can travel that is the speed that it *does* travel.

The “how” is described by insanely complex mathematics.

I think the why has to do with the “Anthropic Principle”. Without a maximum speed limit, the history of the universe would go from start to finish instantaneously. Nothing can be observed in the universe if we don’t have time to observe it.

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