Why in the USA a bunch of random people (jury) decide the fate of other people and not the actual judge?


I’ve always been confused by this.


Why would you want a bunch of randoms to decide your fate, and not the actual judge with a law degree and years of experience?

Why do those people have more power than the judge? They can decide anything they want and the judge is basically just the guy who signs and does the paperwork.

In: 2634

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

My country of origin is like you describe.
We had the first huge anti gang trial. Decided by the chief justice. A single person.

Who told the procecution he’s bored listening to the undercover evidence of murder, extortion etc.

He released a dude from that trial cause when the banker for the gang stated that dude used to collect extortion money and hand it over to him (the banker), the judge claimed that the guy could’ve gotten the money from anywhere.

Almost without exception, the people the judge let go in this trial have been killed by other gangs or police (after commiting more gang murders), sometimes DAYS after the judge released them.

One person cannot be the decider. One person is bribable, able to be intimidated, etc etc.

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