Why is 0 score called LOVE in tennis?

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Why is 0 score called LOVE in tennis?

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14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because the players would LOOOOVE to get a point at some point. /joking

Google gives three options:
1. L’oeuf, pronounced close to Love, meaning egg in French, because 0 is egg shaped
2. Love as in the players are doing so for the love of the game of tennis
3. “For love” meaning “without stakes or bets”


Anonymous 0 Comments

In tennis, the term “love” to represent a score of zero is believed to have originated from the French word “l’œuf,” which means “the egg,” due to the egg’s resemblance to the number zero. Over time, the pronunciation evolved and was anglicized to “love.” This term has been used in tennis scoring since at least the 19th century.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Quick google search will tell you there’s no definitive answer as to where it originated, but a few possible reasons. “L’ouef” meaning “egg” in French, or the word “lof” which is “honor” in Belgium are two supposed reasons. What do you need eli5’d?

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a dual-language pun – in French it’s called “egg”, like how people in English might call zero “donut”. However the French word for “egg” is “l’oeuf”, which sounds like the English word “love”, and so in English that word took its place.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alright, So basically, it’s thought to come from the French word “l’oeuf,” which means “egg” ‘cause an egg looks like a zero. Over time, English folks started saying “love” instead. So, when you got no points, you’re at “love.” Simple as that lol

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because they’re heartless bastards that no matter how much you love them it means nothing to them!


Anonymous 0 Comments

So I heard an explanation on the scoring and terms of tennis a long time ago from a history teacher. No idea if it’s true, probably not. But he said that it was all to make the scoring confusing for the poor and the layperson back in the day, so it would stay a game of the rich.

Anonymous 0 Comments

No one knows, but there are a few theories.

1. They have a score of 0, so they’re just playing for the love of the game, not to win.

2. The French word for egg is “l’oeuf” and a 0 looks like an egg. It was then mistranslated into “love” when coming into English

3. It comes from the Dutch (or Flemish) word for honor “lof” sort of a combination of the last two theories. They are playing for the honor of having played, and then mistranslated into English.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The scoring and rules of tennis were written to be intentionally difficult to follow so the peasants couldn’t participate. Any correct answer here likely wouldn’t be satisfying.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Egg is l’oeuf in French

Egg is commonly referred to as a 0

L’oeuf sounds like love

That’s where it came from!

Another one that’s a fun trivia

In tennis if you double fault on a serve , the French expression is “double v c “

Aka WC

Watercloset, which means bathroom

Basically it’s like saying SHIT