Why is 16 GB of ram big but 16 GB on an SD card small?

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I’m trying to understand this so I can get on with learning for school and buying my own PC components but I’m having a really hard time understanding why these are both the same but different. Please help.

In: Technology

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine you have a desk, and a filing cabinet. Your filing cabinet holds hundreds of organized documents, but getting something out of it takes time. Therefore, you only get a handful of necessary documents out of the filing cabinet at a time and work on them at your desk, where you have much faster access to them. When you’re done or when your desk gets too full, you put away the ones you don’t need, and at the end of the day you put everything away before you go home.

An SD card, Hard Drive, or SSD are like the filing cabinet. They’re meant for long-term storage, and are somewhat slow to access. RAM on the other hand, stores what the computer is working on right now (open documents, the results of calculations made by running programs, etc.) and is therefore designed to be fast in ways the long-term storage isn’t. RAM also needs power to store things, so when the computer is turned off, RAM loses all it’s data.

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