Why is 16 GB of ram big but 16 GB on an SD card small?

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I’m trying to understand this so I can get on with learning for school and buying my own PC components but I’m having a really hard time understanding why these are both the same but different. Please help.

In: Technology

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think you are mixing up about SD cards. SD cards are usually used with phones. It is removable.

PCs use SSDs or HDs. Solid State Drives or Hard Drives. These can also be removable(external). But, they are usually physically bigger and hold more data.

SSDs are faster and more expensive than HDs. Trends are moving toward SSDs. I use an SSD for games and my OS. I use HDs for data.

RAM holds what is NOW being run. SSDs/HDs hold all your data. If you turn off the computer, the RAM no longer holds data.

An example of the difference is games.

People probably only play one game at a time, It is run in RAM.

All one’s games are installed on an SSD/HD. The OS is on the SSD/HD. Any data you want to keep there is stored on HDs/SSDs.

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