Why is 3 random words as a password better than a load of random characters?


Why is 3 random words as a password better than a load of random characters?

In: 52

75 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

it’s not better than the same length of random characters, it’s actually a little worse worse but easier to remember

however it is massively safer than what everyone does which is Word[number][speical character] (for example Michael1209!) mostly because it’s longer

Anonymous 0 Comments

it’s not better than the same length of random characters, it’s actually a little worse worse but easier to remember

however it is massively safer than what everyone does which is Word[number][speical character] (for example Michael1209!) mostly because it’s longer

Anonymous 0 Comments

it’s not better than the same length of random characters, it’s actually a little worse worse but easier to remember

however it is massively safer than what everyone does which is Word[number][speical character] (for example Michael1209!) mostly because it’s longer

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it’s easier for you to remember. To a computer trying to crack your password, the characters themselves don’t make a difference but adding more of them exponentially increases the time it would take. Ergo, longer passwords are better and using actual words make them easier for a human to remember than randomly generated ones.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it’s easier for you to remember. To a computer trying to crack your password, the characters themselves don’t make a difference but adding more of them exponentially increases the time it would take. Ergo, longer passwords are better and using actual words make them easier for a human to remember than randomly generated ones.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it’s easier for you to remember. To a computer trying to crack your password, the characters themselves don’t make a difference but adding more of them exponentially increases the time it would take. Ergo, longer passwords are better and using actual words make them easier for a human to remember than randomly generated ones.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We struggle to remember random characters. This is made worse if you have to change passwords regularly as some IT managers insist. A pass word (as in an actual word) is easy to remember but easier to crack with a dictionary attack. Three word pass phrases can be structured to meet all password rules and are the best of both worlds. I recommend animal colour clothing as an easy way to visualise a passphrase. Red lion shoes. Add punctuation and a number and you’ll suit the strongest rules but still be able to remember it.


Poor lion has lost one of his red shoes….easy image to recall

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends how many random characters you have.

There’s 95 printable ASCII characters which is more or less all the printable characters on a normal keyboard.

So the number of possible combinations for a random jumble of characters is 95 raised to the number of characters.

There is however over 170.000 English words in the OED. Even if we limit ourselves to top 50% most common words (for ease of memorability) for 3 random choices that’s still 85.000 rasied to 3.

We can see mathematically that you would need at least 8 random characters for your password to have more options than 3 random words.

Now 8 might not seem that long, but consider that 8 totally random unconnected characters is a lot harder to remember than just 3 words.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends how many random characters you have.

There’s 95 printable ASCII characters which is more or less all the printable characters on a normal keyboard.

So the number of possible combinations for a random jumble of characters is 95 raised to the number of characters.

There is however over 170.000 English words in the OED. Even if we limit ourselves to top 50% most common words (for ease of memorability) for 3 random choices that’s still 85.000 rasied to 3.

We can see mathematically that you would need at least 8 random characters for your password to have more options than 3 random words.

Now 8 might not seem that long, but consider that 8 totally random unconnected characters is a lot harder to remember than just 3 words.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends how many random characters you have.

There’s 95 printable ASCII characters which is more or less all the printable characters on a normal keyboard.

So the number of possible combinations for a random jumble of characters is 95 raised to the number of characters.

There is however over 170.000 English words in the OED. Even if we limit ourselves to top 50% most common words (for ease of memorability) for 3 random choices that’s still 85.000 rasied to 3.

We can see mathematically that you would need at least 8 random characters for your password to have more options than 3 random words.

Now 8 might not seem that long, but consider that 8 totally random unconnected characters is a lot harder to remember than just 3 words.

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