Why is 3 random words as a password better than a load of random characters?


Why is 3 random words as a password better than a load of random characters?

In: 52

75 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are pros and cons to using both methods assuming they’re equal in length.

Random words

-Easier to crack

-Easier to remember (you wont have to write it down anywhere)

-Slightly More prone to a Social Engineering attack, More prone to being cracked

Random Characters

-Harder to crack

-Must be written down somewhere

-More prone to the password being compromised by finding the location the password is
stored, eg. seen on sticky note, seen in .txt file.

These are the main differences I can think of right now, there are probably more however. A company might tell you a 3word password is better because they are more worried about it being compromised by someone finding where a password is stored than it being cracked.

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