Why is 3 random words as a password better than a load of random characters?


Why is 3 random words as a password better than a load of random characters?

In: 52

75 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/936/) which I can almost guarantee has been posted already.

One of the biggest things that makes a password secure is length. Hackers aren’t sitting there trying a bunch of individual passwords, and changing an i for a 1 will trick them. So, by using a bunch of words, you make something that’s easy to type (because we’re used to typing actual words) and is also fairly straightforward to remember.

This means you don’t have to write it down somewhere, which is the other thing that makes passwords less secure. Without actually reading that comic again, I can remember that the words used are “horse battery staple correct”. I can’t remember the exact order, but I don’t think I’ve actually looked at the comic for about 5 years, so I’ve got a much better chance of getting it right that I do the awkward spelling of troubador.

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