Hello, everyone! I’ve been doing some research into computer hardware lately, and one thing that I keep coming across is this idea that the speed of a processor, while important, isn’t the only thing that affects a computer’s overall performance. I’m having a bit of a hard time wrapping my head around this because I always thought that a faster processor meant a faster computer. Can anyone explain why this isn’t necessarily the case? I’m really interested to learn more about this!
In: 97
MHZ/GHZ doesn’t matter as much anymore because
* modern processors do a lot of stuff per cycle and how much stuff they do per cycle is way more important than number of cycles per second.
* the memory and other components operate at their own speeds which are often much slower than a very highly clocked cpu- so being super fast can just mean you wait more. A huge amount of CPU performance comes down to finding stuff for the CPU to do while it is waiting on memory.
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