Why is algebra important in High School to College?


Why is algebra important in High School to College?

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48 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Superior engineering wins wars and grows economies.

It’s in your country’s best interest to always have many bright engineers trained, practicing, and innovating. And algebra is a core skill needed for all STEM subjects (STEM – science, technology, engineering and mathematics)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Superior engineering wins wars and grows economies.

It’s in your country’s best interest to always have many bright engineers trained, practicing, and innovating. And algebra is a core skill needed for all STEM subjects (STEM – science, technology, engineering and mathematics)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Id but I got a D in pre algebra in college (I tested low and had to take it at a community college near my university) and now I have a masters degree just 5 years later. So I’d say it’s really dependent on what field you’d like to go into.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Id but I got a D in pre algebra in college (I tested low and had to take it at a community college near my university) and now I have a masters degree just 5 years later. So I’d say it’s really dependent on what field you’d like to go into.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Besides everything else already mentioned, a decent familiarity with maths will help you make good financial decisions in later life, relating to investments, loans/finance, mortgages, and utility-bill tariffs (should you go for the high unit-cost and low standing-charge or vice-versa? etc) etc.

People who are ignorant of maths get exploited and ripped off, often subtly over time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Besides everything else already mentioned, a decent familiarity with maths will help you make good financial decisions in later life, relating to investments, loans/finance, mortgages, and utility-bill tariffs (should you go for the high unit-cost and low standing-charge or vice-versa? etc) etc.

People who are ignorant of maths get exploited and ripped off, often subtly over time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Algebra is just basic math in real world situations. You might be able to answer 2 + 2 or 5 x 5 if they are written on a page, but how will that come up in regular life?

It’s basic problem solving, learning how to use the math you already know in different ways. This box of cereal costs 5 dollars, that smaller box costs 3 dollars. Which one is the better deal?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Algebra is just basic math in real world situations. You might be able to answer 2 + 2 or 5 x 5 if they are written on a page, but how will that come up in regular life?

It’s basic problem solving, learning how to use the math you already know in different ways. This box of cereal costs 5 dollars, that smaller box costs 3 dollars. Which one is the better deal?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because algebra is a formal method for how actual math is done. Before algebra you’re just learning simple stuff like numbers and simple operators–you’re not really doing actual “math” solving problems.

You need 5 lemons for your recipe. You have two at home. How many do you need to buy from the store? That’s algebra. You may not realize it as algebra, but it is.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because algebra is a formal method for how actual math is done. Before algebra you’re just learning simple stuff like numbers and simple operators–you’re not really doing actual “math” solving problems.

You need 5 lemons for your recipe. You have two at home. How many do you need to buy from the store? That’s algebra. You may not realize it as algebra, but it is.