Why is asking what a person’s salary is so taboo in the workplace?

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There’s like this weird culture around it where some may even consider it rude or too personal like it’s equivalent to asking someone their social security number or something
I’ve heard a rumor it’s because companies/bosses don’t want people to talk about their pay between employees because they may find discrepancies compared to their coworkers, but I’m not 100% sure that’s actually why since even their employees consider it taboo.

In: Economics

30 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Here’s the thing. All of the answers are going to be some variation on, “Employers like it that way”, or some such, but that’s really a load of horseshit. We can pretend to blame the employer all we like, but if we are being honest with ourselves, we all know in 2024 that it’s illegal to prevent us from talking about it, and we absolutely, totally could be talking about it all we like. Nobody is stopping us, or even discouraging us. In fact, I might even argue that the only push in either direction nowadays is *to* talk about it. The reality is that we don’t want others to know that we make more than them, or vice versa, because how much money we make is so intrinsic to our sense of self worth.

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