– Why is ASML’s technology so difficult to remake?


One would expect that reverse engineering technologies wouldn’t be impossible.

The importance of these technologies for China is huge.

Moreover, they have a massive budget and probably also own a couple of ASML’s euv lithography machines.

Why is it that they cant remake these machines?

I heard some sources say that it might take them a decade.

In: 338

84 Answers

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Watch [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fxv3JoS1uY8) showing a microprocessor in more and more detail.

Notice all those lines that cross over and under each other at about the 2 minute mark? Those are wires that connect all the components on the chip. Under neath them are the transistors and other integrated components of the chip. Every single component has connections that need to be made and wires that aren’t supposed to be connected can’t touch for the chip to work properly.

This is done in a very similar way to stone or wood block printing (you make a mask that shows where a wire should be and then remove the material that wasn’t covered by your mask). Then you do it again.

Near the very end they show a grid showing squares that are 20 nanometers across, (the chip being zoomed into is very old technology that’s much larger). That means all the wires and stuff are much, much smaller to support transistors that are 20nm rather than the size on the chip they’re zooming into.

ASML makes equipment that lets you make chips that have 3nm components meaning each small square would contain 50 modern squares.

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