why is atmosphere reentry such an issue? If it is just because of speed hitting the atmosphere why can’t the spacecraft just slow down before and synchronise with earth rotation?


why is atmosphere reentry such an issue? If it is just because of speed hitting the atmosphere why can’t the spacecraft just slow down before and synchronise with earth rotation?

In: 384

33 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If your spacecraft has an incredibly powerful motor, then it could be possible to cancel orbital speed (25 000 km/h at ISS altitude) down to about 1600 km/h which would match the rotational speed of the Earth. However, I don’t believe a motor exists that could reduce the speed to such a degree faster than the amount of time it takes for a spaceship to break orbit and start the re-entry. Also, if a spacecraft comes in from another place, or a higher orbit, the speed would be even greater.

I’m willing to bet, without having calculated anything, that a human would not survive the massive deceleration from 25k+ km/h to 1600 km/h in such a short time.

Even if a motor that could perform this feat existed, it would also have to carry enough fuel to complete the operation. We’re not talking about a measly Dragon for that.

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