Why is baking soda the universal cleaning powder?


Basically the title. Why do we use baking soda for so many cleaning tasks? What about it makes it the best for cleaning?

In: 18

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Baking soda (bicarbonate) is neat, and pretty rare among common chemicals in that it’s “amphoteric” which is just fancy talk for it can act as an acid OR a base. It’s happy accepting or losing a proton (which is what bases and acids do, respectively). That means:

With acids, it acts like a base and neutralizes it.

With bases, it acts like an acid and neutralizes it!

Plus it’s non-toxic.

Plus it’s gritty and abrasive so it does good physical scrubbing if you make a paste.

Plus it’s easily water-soluble so you can easily make cleaning solutions. But being able to neutralize acids AND bases is the big one.

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