Why is Bluetooth so much flakier than USB, WiFi, etc?


For ~20 years now, basic USB and WiFi connection have been in the category of “mostly expected to work” – you do encounter incompatibilities but it tends to be unusual.

Bluetooth, on the other hand, seems to have been “expected to fail or at least be flaky as hell” since Day 1, and it doesn’t seem to have gotten better over time. What makes the Bluetooth stack/protocol so much more apparently-unstable than other protocols?

In: 7688

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I used to work in a radio test house, I’ve tested hundreds of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi products. Overall, Bluetooth (now) is a great protocol, that is forced into shit situations.

The 2.4 GHz spectrum is quite crowded. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, baby monitors and many other protocols use it (so do some microwaves). The reason why is that it’s a worldwide unlicensed band, meaning that it’s legal to use 2.4 GHz in North America, Europe, China, or anywhere. Compare this to cellular, which will automatically switch bands when you go to different countries, that’s a lot more complicated.

Within the 2.4 GHz band, there’s not really any rules about what’s needed to coexist with other products (unless you’re a medical product in the US). There’s regulations, but they aren’t concerned about saying what happens if Bluetooth and 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi want to transmit at the same frequency at the same time. The opinion of governing bodies is if you can’t handle coexisting in unlicensed bands, then use licensed spectrum. Overall, this means each protocol has its own way of dealing with getting data through.

For Wi-Fi, it buffers. Wi-Fi can transmit between 1Mbps and 65Mbps (speeds can go much higher, but this is what’s doable on one channel and one antenna at 2.4 GHz using 802.11n). Meanwhile, Bluetooth only operates between 125kbps and 3Mbps, and if you’re using something with a small battery like earbuds, then 2Mbps is likely the max. Overall, this means that Wi-Fi is much more likely to have more buffered than Bluetooth, and therefore you’re less likely to have interruptions. Wi-Fi also uses much more power on average, and if you’re using more power, you’re more likely to get those higher data rates.

How Bluetooth deals with the crowded spectrum is frequency hopping. Basically, Bluetooth scans for open channels, identifies them, and hops between them. However, if something suddenly appears on that channel, like Wi-Fi, it can ruin that transmission. It’s also possible there’s just not really any open channels and Bluetooth just needs to do the best it can.

Bluetooth is also very cheap. You can buy a pre-approved module, slap it in a product, and boom, now you have a “smart” product. Or at least, that’s how it’s sold by module manufacturers. In reality, you can do 100 things wrong when installing your module. You could put it in a metal box which kills transmission power. You can slam it between other circuit boards which causes wicked harmonics. You can put it right next to an LCD screen which causes radio desensitization. These problems exist for a Wi-Fi module too, however, since Wi-Fi costs a little bit more, if someone uses Wi-Fi they’re not cheaping out everywhere, and it’s more likely they’ve hired qualified engineers and know how to alleviate the issues I discussed previously.

The other area where Bluetooth suffers is that, even in very well designed products, like airpods, it’s being forced into crappy situations. The body attenuates 2.4 GHz quite seriously, and, airpods are very small and closer to the body compared to the wireless headphones of 20 years ago. Also, they’re not communicating with a laptop that’s in front of you, it’s communicating with a phone that’s on the other side of your body in your pocket. Often you’ll find that if you’re in a normal sized room, you’ll be fine, but when you’re outside you drop communication. This is because Bluetooth is echoing off the wall to communicate with the earbuds.

Bluetooth has adapted in the following ways over their generations: they’ve upped the data rate, they’ve released Bluetooth Low Energy (which is basically a whole new protocol designed to save battery life), they’ve introduced long range mode which goes down to 125kbps so you have a better chance of getting something through, and they’ve worked with cell phone manufacturers to get Bluetooth testing to be more self-regulated.

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