Why is brass not used more if it self sanitises ?


I’m getting my kitchen redone & want to know why copper alloys like brass isn’t used more. It seems perfect for counter space and prep areas with its self sanitation properties.
Am I missing something bc I’m stupid or maybe just ahead of the curb ?

In: 312

28 Answers

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Brass and copper are very soft metals, which means they dent and scratch easily and repairing them is complex and expensive. Also realistically we’re talking about sheets on top of other materials because a pure brass counter top would be really heavy. Also both brass and copper rust, and they would rust in a kitchen with all the water and fluids and salt involved with cooking.

In general with kitchens it seems like durable and hard but easy to clean surfaces are the way to go. Granite or marble are typical for home use and stainless steel is preferred for professional kitchens.

Ultimately whilst copper and brass have anti bacterial properties this does not mean you don’t have to clean them, so there’s no real benefit, at least for kitchens. They are used though in other applications in which they may not be cleaned as often so their anti bacterial properties reduce the overall risk of an object long term. A common one is door knobs.

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