Why is cancer so hard to cure? Will we ever find an infallible cure?


Why is cancer so hard to cure? Will we ever find an infallible cure?

In: 2088

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So cancer is basically a cell that has mutated.

Let’s talk ninjas.

Cancer cells are ninjas. They’re made wrong. Usually when a cell is wrong it will kill itself, if not, the body guards (T cells) will kill it. But the cancer cell is a ninja, so the body guards can’t see or find it.

Because of this, the ninja goes on to replicate itself (mitosis), creating more ninja cells, until there’s so many that you have a lump of them (cancer tumour), which is still hidden from the body guards. Eventually some ninjas break away and start their own ninja school somewhere else in the body (secondary cancer).

As for treatment, let’s talk trees.

Our treatment is getting better and better, but for a long time it was like having one sick tree in the forest. We are not sure how to kill just one tree, so our only hope was to burn the whole forest and hope that the sick tree dies too.

As time goes on, we are getting better at using treatments that are more targeted to just the sick tree, but sometimes there are side effects to the forest still.

I hope this helps x

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