why is cancer so hard to cure?


Why is it taking so long time find a cure, or even an effective treatment that doesn’t destroy your body

it’s literally destroying my family person by person, this is half question and half venting.

In: Biology

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

lots of reasons!!

money, lack of interest, other health problems…in their weakened state it is difficult to run experiments without risking the life of the individual with cancer.

also nurses don’t have the authority or the training and the few doctors working on a cure based thesis are focusing on a disease or health issue that either they themselves or someone they care about has. the technology to cure one type of mutation may exist however, focusing on that doesn’t cure any of the other types of mutation.

unfortunately the intelligence of our race believes in impossibility and that limit’s the capabilities of technological growth.

technically we didn’t cure it by the time we lost the capability to cure it and it takes a really long time to train people to do such things.

the problem with cancer is that with the exception of group radiation exposure it is typically a per individual mutation based disease and unless you can keep people from mutating then it will never truly be cured.

there’s tons of stuff that doctors are too closed minded or tunnel visioned to focus on and as our age of knowledge starts to stagnate we get farther and farther from real cures and kindof are stuck in the whole ‘hey this fake fucking pandemic really shows how stupid our medical professionals are’

the real cancer is the person next to your elbow in the computer lab.

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