why is cancer so hard to cure?


Why is it taking so long time find a cure, or even an effective treatment that doesn’t destroy your body

it’s literally destroying my family person by person, this is half question and half venting.

In: Biology

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cancers are defined by:

1- cell type

2- location

3- if metastasis or local invasion has occurred

4- other specifications that are beyond the scope of ELI5

So a diagnosis of cancer looks like: small cell carcinoma of the left lower lung with metastasis. And that’s a completely different disease than, lets say, vestibular neuroma of the left VIII cranial nerve.

They have about as much in common as AIDS does with coronavirus. Yes they are both viral diseases but with totally different risk factors, disease process and treatment.

So the question isn’t: what is the cure for cancer? It is, however: how do we prevent, diagnose and cure, for example, osteosarcoma? And the answer to that will be completely different for prostate cancer.

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