why is caries from bacteria in mouth still such a problem for humans


Hard to believe modern medicine hasn’t thought of a way to nuke bacteria from our mouths considering how many health problems originate from oral disease

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9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

We eat a lot of processed sugar, carbonated drinks, acidic products etc, which we aren’t evolved to deal with. Our diet is very artificial and tooth unfriendly.

It isn’t just the bacteria which cause a problem. It is acids in our food.

And our mouths are warm and moist. Bacteria can happily reproduce in there, and we naturally have a whole biome of bacteria living in our mouths and guts, some of them quite friendly and good for us!

So even if you kill all the existing bacteria with an antibiotic, then you will end up with problems with your gut, and new ones will quickly grow and recolonise the space, and they may not be quite as friendly as the old ones.

You have it in your own power to change your diet and also to regularly brush your teeth if you want to avoid tooth decay.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We eat a lot of processed sugar, carbonated drinks, acidic products etc, which we aren’t evolved to deal with. Our diet is very artificial and tooth unfriendly.

It isn’t just the bacteria which cause a problem. It is acids in our food.

And our mouths are warm and moist. Bacteria can happily reproduce in there, and we naturally have a whole biome of bacteria living in our mouths and guts, some of them quite friendly and good for us!

So even if you kill all the existing bacteria with an antibiotic, then you will end up with problems with your gut, and new ones will quickly grow and recolonise the space, and they may not be quite as friendly as the old ones.

You have it in your own power to change your diet and also to regularly brush your teeth if you want to avoid tooth decay.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

We eat a lot of processed sugar, carbonated drinks, acidic products etc, which we aren’t evolved to deal with. Our diet is very artificial and tooth unfriendly.

It isn’t just the bacteria which cause a problem. It is acids in our food.

And our mouths are warm and moist. Bacteria can happily reproduce in there, and we naturally have a whole biome of bacteria living in our mouths and guts, some of them quite friendly and good for us!

So even if you kill all the existing bacteria with an antibiotic, then you will end up with problems with your gut, and new ones will quickly grow and recolonise the space, and they may not be quite as friendly as the old ones.

You have it in your own power to change your diet and also to regularly brush your teeth if you want to avoid tooth decay.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

About 90% of all bacteria support human life. Or so I read. We need them to stay healthy. Unfortunately you can’t selectively kill the bad ones and keep the good ones alive. It’s like chemo kills cancer cells but meanwhile it also damages healthy cells. In case of cancer it’s worth it, but I wouldn’t do the same with bacteria in my mouth. Just keep it clean and eat healthy. That’s all you can do.

Anonymous 0 Comments

About 90% of all bacteria support human life. Or so I read. We need them to stay healthy. Unfortunately you can’t selectively kill the bad ones and keep the good ones alive. It’s like chemo kills cancer cells but meanwhile it also damages healthy cells. In case of cancer it’s worth it, but I wouldn’t do the same with bacteria in my mouth. Just keep it clean and eat healthy. That’s all you can do.

Anonymous 0 Comments

About 90% of all bacteria support human life. Or so I read. We need them to stay healthy. Unfortunately you can’t selectively kill the bad ones and keep the good ones alive. It’s like chemo kills cancer cells but meanwhile it also damages healthy cells. In case of cancer it’s worth it, but I wouldn’t do the same with bacteria in my mouth. Just keep it clean and eat healthy. That’s all you can do.