I can’t imagine sourcing from a variety of countries is cheaper than coming from one source. I also can’t imagine it’s a blended scotch situation. Here’s an example https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/707766368363216918/1288581748552110260/image0.jpg?ex=66f5b4c5&is=66f46345&hm=67504fd0cf1f4f340df2d8a68eb026e9cf55bfb9d2cd13280c92dabc7a126f0f&
In: Economics
Often it’s so they don’t have to reprint labels. They’ll source from wherever is cheapest at any given time, which will vary based on harvest times, climate/weather conditions, economic conditions, etc. They would have to frequently change the labels each time they changed the source so it’s easier/cheaper to list all their potential sources.
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