Why is Chernobyl deemed to not be habitable for 22,000 years despite reports and articles everywhere saying that the radiation exposure of being within the exclusion zone is less you’d get than flying in a plane or living in elevated areas like Colorado or Cornwall?


Why is Chernobyl deemed to not be habitable for 22,000 years despite reports and articles everywhere saying that the radiation exposure of being within the exclusion zone is less you’d get than flying in a plane or living in elevated areas like Colorado or Cornwall?

In: 12368

23 Answers

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**Radiation is more than just the number on a Geiger counter.**

First, there are several types of radiation emitted from literally anything.

**Alpha radiation** won’t even penetrate your skin but consists of fairly heavy & large particles that can deal a lot of damage even at low ‘radiation count’, but if you inhale dust particles those particles get lodged in your lung & stay there with the effect of fireing of millions of nanoscopic shotguns in your lung, slowly destroying the cells causing pain and due to the increased cellular replacement near guaranteeing lung cancer. At high intensity it’ll burn/melt your skin off like a heat ray.

**Gamma radiation** needs meter thick concrete steel lined with lead to contain, but needs very high reading for it to meaningfully interact with your body’s cells (cook you like a microwave essentially), that’s what you’ll likely receive when on a plane. It takes needs a lot of it to noticeably damage you.

**Beta radiation** is kind of the intermediate of the two, less physically damaging per unit, but also harder to shield. It’s pure electrons being shot at you. This mostly damages the DNA inside of your cells, so the damage is not as immediate as with alpha, but more likely to cause new cells to be malformed & cancerous if they don’t self-terminate or get removed by your body. Getting hit by a lot of it will cause your body to kinda melt after exposure, cuz loads of your cells trigger their self destruct.

Second, any radioactive element might decay into increasingly lighter elements that are radioactive themselves. Each element & isotope (an isotope is when an element has a non-standard ~~electron to proton+neutron ratio~~ *number of neutrons*) emits a different mix and intensity of alpha, beta & gamma radiation.

Also some of those decay products can be *highly toxic,* way more radioactive or corrosive and be a gas, so in a zone with radiation, with time you’ll also have to worry about random *stuff* just popping up. Now imagine inhaling some of that *stuff*. No fun.

It’s likely not a lot of *stuff* popping up at a time, but still generally you don’t want your people to settle in regions with ‘*invisible death*’ if you can avoid it.

Third, a lot of the *highly irradiated* material a Chernobyl was buried, any people messing around there might accidentally disrupt buried material & kick up dust… you’d see it on the Geiger counter, but at that time a whole lot of people will have taken healthy deep breaths of air supposedly “no more radioactive than a transcontinental flight” except that dust is >10.000x more radioactive & now their lungs will rad blasted for months if not years.

With everything, children will be more affected. Toxins are more dangerous with lower body weight & genetic damage is more risky the earlier in life it occurs, since those cells will have decades more time of copying and accumulating defective information. That’s part of why in Fukushima elderly volunteered to do emergency work in the plant. Getting cancer in ~10 years is less tragic of a life change if you are 65 rather than 25.

With people inhabiting an area this also means they’ll spread small amounts of material around, making it near impossible to contain. You know with how at the end of winter the little stones & sand they use to reduce the slipperiness of sidewalks & streets end up everywhere in your house, even if you frequently clean? Now imagine this stuff was radioactive, mostly invisible (dust) and all of the things mentioned above

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